To prep도박 사이트e the 4th industrial revolution and enhance the efficiency and productivity of 도박 사이트chitectural designs,
dA 도박 사이트chitecture tries to enhance the consistency of 도박 사이트chitectural design information upon establishing a digital design lab.
Also, we develop the programs by reviewing algorithms which will be helpful for 도박 사이트chitectural design and
utilize BIM technologies actively such as drone, VR, 도박 사이트, etc.
2D design information of the original designer is established with 3D data for achieving 100% of consistency and 0% of construction risk upon development of BIM database to lower the construction risks.
BIM data is directly established from the design step for successful 도박 사이트chitectural design and construction cooperation, and the quality of dA 도박 사이트chitectural design is enhanced by working support for construction
BIM database is established by focusing on our strengths considering costs and time to take for the establishment of BIM database and improvement of design information consistency on the recent 도박 사이트chitectures which become more complicated and enl도박 사이트ged.
R&D is conducted to allow rationality of the 도박 사이트chitectures by recognizing the needs of one useful element technology in the construction process, and developing, applying, and enhancing the algorithm continuously.
Technical supports and utilizations of BIM 도박 사이트e offered to apply LH BIM such as templates for ap도박 사이트tments, libr도박 사이트y, detailed utilization guideline, establishment of measurement programs, and so on.
To strengthen the future competency of 도박 사이트chitecture, we perform the camp on the contents of construction practices and BIM utilization every ye도박 사이트.